The Foundation
We intend to help patients and caregivers obtain access to education, research and new diagnostic and treatment modalities.
Value of Teamwork
To be successful, dedicated professionals need to work together and have access to appropriate resources; the Foundation members include community leaders and physicians who have dedicated their lives to helping others.

Significance of Cancer Research
Cancer cells' weak spots are the target for very specific new medications which destroy cancer cells but spare healthy cells. Progress is slowed down by lack of resources and information in our communities. We should act with hope and energy to overcome this barrier so that more patients are given access to the latest clinical trials.
Importance of Cancer Education
Patients, families and medical communities need educational programs for cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. New treatments are evolving rapidly, but patients and care-givers will not benefit unless they keep pace with information and technology. Educational programs particularly directed to nurses, patients, caregivers, and families are essential so that they can all work together.
Enhancing the Quality of Life
Patients with cancer should be able to enjoy their lives. Excellent care as well as research and education are necessary to address the many specific needs of patients who face cancer. Examples include nutrition education and support, treatment of pain, prevention of nausea, as well as treatment and counseling for anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, and the many fears that arise with a cancer diagnosis.